Like a lot of Americans, I just watched the Barack Obama “We Are One” Celebration Concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
I enjoyed the audience pans that showed Americans of every color partying together in hopes for a better tomorrow.
I enjoyed watching our President elect grooving to Stevie Wonder, singing along, AND knowing the words to Higher Ground.
I enjoyed the on stage talent coming together. Black, White, Latino, Irish…,etc joining together to bring this event to us in celebration of this dream 46 years in the making.
But, I can’t help but be a little amused that the concert event to celebrate an incoming president who has worked for the past two years to bring hope to all…who has worked diligently over the past two years to include ALL Americans in his plan was exclusively broadcast on HBO or HBO.com. Man, this would have been a good opportunity for the stations to forget about themselves and bring this momentous occasion to all. I guess inclusion ends at the checkbook.