Ok…anyone who knows me has heard me sound the call to support your local music scene. I (literally) own the button and truly believe it important to support the arts in your local area. What I have failed to say is that sometime doing so will cause you to get hurt…to take one, or two, or twenty, for the team. I took a large blast for the local team this past week at the urging of a friend and I’m thinking that only a large bottle of Captain will fill the wound…or at least initiate the healing process.
Me being me, I have been scratching my head trying to find that wonderful “good thing” about this week’s…ummm…event. So here goes. AT LEAST THE ARTIST (used loosely) was out there doing what she loved even if the crowd was trying to figure out a way to get their drunk on before the 30 minute set was over. To paraphrase an old adage, “nothing is ugly after a 6 pack”. This time I think we needed a keg a piece in order to take the ugly away. But at least she was out there enjoying herself…singing her songs, doing her thing instead of sitting at home wondering what if. Comfort comes in knowing that someday soon my ears will stop bleeding, I know they will.
So, yeah, PLEASE continue to support your local music and arts scene. You may, on occasion, have to dodge a bullet but when you are there when a thing of true beauty comes onto the small stage, you will not forget nor will you regret being there.
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